Page 3 Messages from Pastor Janet Dobinson
Pastor Janet talks about 'Rules'
Pastor Janet talks about 'Looking back, Looking Forward'
Pastor Janet talks about Evolution, Science and Creation
Pastor Janet asks and answers the question 'Who is Jesus?'
Pastor Janet’s message this week is about the things we chose to do
Pastor Janet’s message this week is reflecting on a time of uncertainty
Pastor Janet’s message this week is about 'LOVE'
Pastor Janet’s message this week is 'NEW BEGINNINGS'
Pastor Janet’s message this week is 'PEACE'
Pastor Janet’s message this week is to 'KEEP GOING'
Pastor Janet’s message this week is about COMFORT
Pastor Janet’s message this week was again recorded in the church. It takes a new look at the parable of the Good Samaritan, and reflects on how we see and judge people
Sunday 21 June - Pastor Janet’s message this week was recorded in the church. It’s about HAPPINESS
Sunday 14 June - Today’s message from Pastor Janet is about 'Emotions'
Sunday 7 June - Today’s message from Pastor Janet is about 'Finding the Way'
Sunday 31st May - Today’s message from Pastor Janet is all about Change and the Pentecost
Sunday 24th May - Today’s message from Pastor Janet is all about the Ascension